
Name: Bunny
D.O.B: 6th April
City: Bunny: Kampar / Bear: Singapore.
School: UTAR
Languages: English / Chinese
Religion: Roman Catholic
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brownish Black
Height: 160?
A Note from the Editor: This blog might be mainly written in mandarin because I'm taking bits and pieces of words from different websites. So if one of you stumbles upon this little blog of mine and you'd want me to credit you for it. Don't hesitate to leave me a message. =3

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Ways to Love Your GirlFriend ♥ on Friday, October 21, 2011 0 comments

  1. When you say goodbye, hug her for that extra moment, even if people are watching.
  2. Make her feel important: Talk to her, sincerely ask her if she is alright if she seems sad or hurt.
  3. Stand up for her.
  4. If she tells you that she loves you, kiss her lightly, then whisper “I love you more” while you are still touching her lips.
  5. Take her out, even not to an expensive dinner or the movies. Sometimes where you first met or a walk around the park can be very romantic.
  6. Hold her hand when you’re with your friends.
  7. Share inside jokes.
  8. If there is a food she loves, buy it and surprise her.
  9. Always call her back, even if it’s just to say I love you.
  10. If she is lagging behind, pick her up in your arms and carry her.
  11. Randomly give her a peck on the forehead, nose, cheek, etc..
  12. Look her deep in her eyes.
  13. Gather her up in your arms and kiss the top of her head.
  14. Love her at her worst.
  15. Give her your sweatshirt and cuddle with her.
  16. Pick her up and spin her around.
  17. Laugh with her, not at her.
  18. Listen to music with her, and with same headphones, of course!
  19. Listen to everything she says.
  20. Tell her how much you love her.
  21. Always ask her what would make her happy that you could do.
  22. If you start fighting stop and say i love you and im sorry can we stop fighting please.
  23. When a girl is mad at you , you never stop talking to her even if she’s says go away or i never want to talk to you again never stop talking to her and saying sorry for what you have done.

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